Time Out #YOLOndon – London’s Finest WTF Experiences

YOLOndon#YOLOndon feature in TIME OUT London – 11th march 2014.

We couldn’t have said it any better ourselves…!!!

“Londoners, are you living? I mean, really living? Well, it’s high time you started and to kick you off, this week’s issue of Time Out Magazine is dedicated to the lost art of YOLOing. Yep, you may well be aware that You Only Live Once, so we’ve rounded up the most impulsive, wild, fun and fancy-free stuff to do in the city. “

You only live once – so have stupid amounts of fun with London’s finest WTF experiences.

Becoming a ROCK STAR is a long process involving countless hours of practice and oodles of talent (all that commitment, all those sacrifices, being in the right place at the right time, knowing the right people, kissing the right ass etc… etc…)

Ain’t NOBODY got time for that!

Just jump on stage with the dudes from ROCKAOKE at one of their London ROCKAOKE NIGHTS and belt out some tunes with a LIVE ROCK BAND.

Rock God rewards – zero effort.

ROCKAOKE NIGHTS are fridays nights at AAA, Kensington,  Tooting Tram & Social and Star of Kings, Kings Cross.

Venue info and sign-up to sing @ www.rockaokenights.com xxx
